Year VI, Special Edition, March 2019.
Contemporary dilemmas: Education, Politics and Values is pleased to present to its readers and collaborators the Special Edition March 2019, where 108 articles are promoted, results of the scientific production of research professors from 9 countries such as China, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Russia and Turkey. Thank you very much for your preference with our journal.
1.TITLE: Individual work of students in contemporary e-learning environments. AUTHORS: Tatyana S. Panina, Sergey A. Dochkin, Elena A. Pahomova, Natalja V. Kostyuk. ABSTRACT: The study is relevant since the role and importance of the individual work of the students increase as modern models of learning and information technologies and networked communication are introduced in professional education; therefore, there is a need to assess the extent to which students are independent and self-motivated, and are able to work autonomously and efficiently in the context of most current models and the development of mechanisms for control individual work in these conditions. The results obtained show that the majority of students are not independent enough, as well as that they are not self-motivated and not self-manage in learning. KEY WORDS: individual work, e-learning, network environment, co-management, information and communication technologies. RUSSIA.
2.TITLE: The effect of learning and educational environment on students' satisfaction of the Islamic Education courses in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. AUTHORS: Abdolreza Mahmoudi, Fatemeh Mahmoudi, Maryam Shamsaei, Hadi Raeisi Shahraki, Hashem Kakaei. ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of learning and educational environment on students' satisfaction. This cross-sectional study was carried out on students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences during the second semester of the academic year of 2016-2017 in the Islamic education courses as general courses. The results of the research in five dimensions of the questionnaire indicated that students had a high degree of satisfaction with different dimensions related to the Islamic educational courses. Therefore, these courses can be effective in directing and targeting academic knowledge in specialized disciplines and motivating students. KEY WORDS: Islamic Education, Evaluation of Educational Environment, Students, Medical Sciences. IRAN.
3.TITLE: Anxiety prediction based on Resilience and Self-Efficacy in secondary students. AUTHORS: Sakineh Kaseb Ghane Astane, Mehrdad Sabet, Bagher Sannaie Zaker. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to predict anxiety based on resilience and self-efficacy in students. The research method was correlation. The results of the research showed that there is a negative and significant correlation between the anxiety in students with resiliency and self-efficacy with 99% confidence. The results of the regression analysis showed that 51% of students' anxiety changes were related to self-efficacy and resiliency. According to the variance analysis table, the effect of predictive variables on the criterion variable can be statistically accepted. KEY WORDS: anxiety, resilience, self-efficacy, secondary students. IRAN.
4.TITLE: Innovation potential of vocational education and training institutions as a basis for high quality professional training. AUTHORS: Tatyana S. Panina, Natalya V. Kostyuk, Elena A. Pakhomova, Sergey A. Dochkin. ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study is to develop a practical system to interconnect the innovation potential of the VET institution and to develop the preparation of graduates for professional practice in accordance with the external conditions of the regional system of vocational education. The study confirmed the reasonableness of including the key component "qualified specialist" in the system "economy - labor market - vocational education", which guarantees a continuous and interconnected renewal of resources at each level of systemic activities. The document provides the basis for the methodology for the integrating organization of the learning process, which allows recording, diagnosing and evaluating the educational, professional and personal development of students as future specialists. KEY WORDS: Readiness, professional practice, satisfaction with educational services, quality of vocational training, quality criteria and indicators. RUSSIA.
5. TITLE: Increasing academic motivation via CLIL by means of the Information and Communication Technologies mediated by the Constructivist Approach. AUTHORS: Rinata Zaripova, Leila Salekhova, Sergey Grigoriev, Ksenia Grigorieva. ABSTRACT: The Russian educational system is facing a certain transition of educational paradigms towards constructivist approach. The article presents the results of the empirical study of defining and assessing the degree of Master students’ academic motivation in terms of CLIL and ICT–education based on constructivist approach. The studied motives are communicative motives, avoidance motives, motives of prestige, professional motives, motives of creative self-realization, educational and social motives. The study displayed a number of challenges that Master students faced when developing on-line-based CLIL modules and the way the following challenges influenced their academic motivation. KEY WORDS: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), constructivist approach, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), academic motivation. RUSSIA.
6. TITLE: Features of prognostic competence of younger schoolchildren with deficit development. AUTHORS: Dmitry Andreevich Artemyev, Anna Ivanovna Akhmetzyanova, Tatiana Vasilyevna Artemyeva. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to identify the specific features of prognostic competence of younger schoolchildren with musculoskeletal system disorders, hearing, vision and speech impairments. The study revealed that children of primary school age with speech disorders have a lower ability to predict future events in the areas of relationships with adults and peers in compare to their peers with no impairments. Younger schoolchildren with visual impairments have difficulties in regulating their behavior during educational activities. Schoolchildren with hearing impairments have difficulties in identifying causal links of future situations. KEY WORDS: prognostic competence, future situations, younger schoolchildren, deficit development, socialization. RUSSIA.
7.TITLE: Management quality improvement methodology of educational process organization by software implementation. AUTHORS: E.Yu. Andrusenko, A.A. Egizaryants, N.A. Lapshin, V.E. Belchenko, I.V. Belchenko, S.S. Sogoyan, R.A. Dyachenko. ABSTRACT: The article deals with the issues of information exchange between teachers, pupils and educational organization departments. They revealed the need to address the problems associated with the publication of events - major administrative announcements of educational organizations, which are visible to all users and set to a certain date. The approach to publication of events is proposed within the framework of a system separate module. They considered the mechanism of mass mailings which allows users to transmit information to two or more recipients and ensures the exchange of information available only to recipients, unlike the "wall". An approach is proposed to increase the quality of the educational process organization, which allows a rapid exchange. KEY WORDS: Educational process organization, software package, cloud technologies. RUSSIA.
8. TITLE: Mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior on authentic leadership and employee job performance: A study of higher educational institutes in Pakistan. AUTHORS: Saad Munir, Muhammad Asim Yasin, Muhammad Salman Shabbir, Samiullah1 Rafaqet Ali, Bilal Tariq, Muhammad Irfan Chani, Orangzab, Mazhar Abbas. ABSTRACT: The research study aims to explore the impact of authentic leadership on employee job performance with mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used in the study. Data is collected from faculty and non-faculty members of seven higher education institutions through simple random sampling. Organizational citizenship behavior is taken as mediating variable. The study results show that organizational citizenship behavior partially mediates the association of authentic leadership and employee job performance in higher educational institutes. KEY WORDS: Organizational citizenship behavior, authentic leadership, employee job performance, higher educational institutes, structural equation modeling. PAKISTAN, MALAYSIA.
9.TITLE: Infocommunication skills as part of Universal Competencies of Transport Engineers. AUTHORS: Izabella D. Belonovskaya, Dmitry A. Kiryakov, Alexander E. Shukhman, Vadim V. Kolga, Tatjana V. Ezhova. ABSTRACT: In the article, infocommunication skills are considered part of digital competence. The structure of digital competence is studied and we offer innovative technologies that shape infocommunication skills, such as gamification, online courses, team projects, virtual network interactions, and information-oriented practices for professionals. KEY WORDS: Infocommunication skills, digital competence, transport engineer training. RUSSIA.
10.TITLE: Formation and regulation of the educational services market, according to the requirements of the market economy. AUTHORS: M.G. Sergeeva, N.V. Alexandrova, S.Yu Mikhaylova, N.V. Ivanov, E.V. Merzliakova, T.F. Sizova, A.V. Okereshko. ABSTRACT: The new conditions for the provision of educational services in Russia, such as the transition from a state monopoly to a multi-level education system, paid education, have required the restructuring of educational institutions. The results showed that an important characteristic of educational services is that they are produced and consumed simultaneously. But the educational service is always a fairly long process. Educational services must meet the uniform quality criteria developed by the state, municipal or public education authorities or international organizations and according to the level of purpose and quality of education defined by the relevant standards. Graduates offer their workforce to companies that evaluate the skills of this workforce in the form of starting salaries and other employment conditions. KEY WORDS: educational services, educational services market, graduate of professional educational organization, market economy, marketing tools. RUSSIA.
11.TITLE: Ecohumanistic Education in Russia and China as a factor of sustainable development of modern civilization. AUTHORS: Tatiana N. Kovaleva, Yulia V. Maslova, Nikolai A. Kovalev, Karapetyan Elena Avetikovna, Sergey I. Samygin, Olga K. Kaznacheeva, Nadezhda V. Lyashenko. ABSTRACT: It shows that the modernization of social institutions in Russia and China is based on the principle of model imitation considering the specific sociocultural nature of a particular society that is correcting certain aspects of the educational process. The article studies the problem of the relationship between man and nature, the process of forming a new human being in the modern and changing world and the role of the institution of education in the formation of eco-human culture. As a hypothesis, the article proposes a thesis on the possibility of using the material, social, pedagogical and psychological resources of education to correct the ecological vector of the development of modern civilization through the effective ecological socialization of young people. KEY WORDS: Ecohumanism, environmentalism, human nature, sustainable development, ecological culture. RUSSIA.
12.TITLE: Modelling mathematical structures and object-oriented programming. AUTHORS: Т. Yu Gainutdinova, M. Yu Denisova, L.V. Riazanova, Z.F. Shakirova, O.A. Shirokova. ABSTRACT: The article contains the problems of teaching an object-oriented programming for students studying at the Mathematics Faculty with the pedagogy major. Object-oriented programming allows to take an advantage of the object-oriented approach not only at design and developing phases of software systems, but also at the stages of their implementation, testing and maintenance. The object-oriented projects design of modeling systems and structures contributes to the formation of students' skills in formalizing the task, highlighting the abstractions and objects of the subject domain, structuring and implementing them. KEY WORDS: object-oriented programming, object-oriented design, software development visual components, classes, objects. RUSSIA.
13. TITLE: Physical self-perception views of Private School Physical Education teachers. AUTHORS: Deniz Erdağ, Nazım Serkan Burgul. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine private school teachers’ views on theirphysical self perception. Thirty physical education teachers on the basis of maximum variation sampling participated in this study. The study was based on a qualitative research design and data concerning physical self perception were collected by using semistructured interview technique. Results showed that the 86.6 % of the physical education teachers found happy with their physical self perceptions. Morover % 60 of the physical educaiton teachers stated that they are training for to stay in sahpe and looking good in order to have a good impact on their students. KEY WORDS: Physical Education, Education, physical self-perception, teacher. TURKEY.
14.TITLE: The development of metacognitive-based genetic learning instruments at Senior High School. AUTHOR: Elya Nusantari. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to develop learning instruments that produce learning instrument metacognition and metacognitive-based text book about genetics. This research is a developmental research by using Define, Design, Development, Dissemination (4-D Thiagrajan model). Both of the qualitative and quantitative descriptive were used in data analysis. The results of the research are learning instrument product and textbook whose presentation characteristics correspond to the metacognitive science order, which consist of declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge. The expert validation and precision result shows that these instruments have satisfied the criteria: very valid and very ideal. KEY WORDS: Learning instruments, metacognitive knowledge, genetics concept. INDONESIA.
15.TITLE: Communicative activity and formation of speech culture in students. AUTHORS: Anna A. Erofeeva, Tatyana A. Korneyeva, Tamara G., Irgasheva, Galina N. Kuznetsova. ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study is to use the methodology developed by renowned psychologists, scientists, methodologists, teachers and practitioners with the aim of development of culture of speech and writing and their application in practical activity of future bachelors. The study used methods like analysis, observation of the speech of students, classification, generalization, description. The authors believe that such an important quality of speech, expression, accuracy, clarity, saturation of the speech should establish the students in the class to speak. and in the process of mastering other disciplines. These qualities are particularly relevant for future teachers, because the speech competence of the teacher is one of the core competencies. KEY WORDS: communicative competence, communication skills; communication, cognitive, intellectual and creative skills. RUSSIA.
16.TITLE: Evaluation of the effect of conflict resolution styles of managers on the performance of educational staff of High Schools in Karaj City. AUTHOR: Hossein Amiri Dogahe. ABSTRACT: This research evaluates the relationship between managers’ conflict resolution styles on the performance. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and is correlation type in terms of implementation method and data collection. The results showed that there is no significant difference between the level of conflict and the job performance of the staff and there is no negative correlation between the level of perceived conflict by the male employees and their performance, and there is also no significant difference between "conflict correlation and job performance of male employees" with "conflict correlation and job performance of female employees", and there is no significant difference in terms of job performance between male and female employees and perceived conflicts by them. KEY WORDS: conflict, staff performance, managers’ performance, educational system. IRAN.
17. TITLE: “Blue Ocean” For A Higher School. AUTHORS: V.V. Asabin, M.A. Garanin, M.A. Gnatyuk, A.S. Klimova, P.A. Pervov, ABSTRACT: The paper studies of the possibility of using the “blue ocean strategy” proposed by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne to a higher school. The Volga Federal District is chosen as the market for higher education. The paper proposes a university development trajectory on the basis of the “blue ocean strategy”. The values for a potential applicant are reconstructed. The paper considers the transformation of universities to the model “University 4.0”. KEY WORDS: blue ocean strategy, higher school, university development trajectory, University 4.0. RUSSIA.
18. TITLE: Women’s point of view in “A Room of One’s Own and Three Guineas”: Perceptions of undergraduate students on a digital reading mode. AUTHORS: Celen Dimililer, Nurdan Atamturk, Esra İstek. ABSTRACT: The current study aimed to address how the status of English women in the early 20th century was reflected through a woman’s lenses and the possible reasons and solutions for this from a woman’s point of view. In this case study, six female and eight male graduate students with nine different nationalities read the texts on a digital reading mode and evaluated women’s point of view on Messenger group chats. The textual data collected via group chats were supported by the data elicited from two take home exams. Thematic analysis of the data revealed the themes as distorted education, patriarchal society and social barriers. KEY WORDS: E-readers, women issues, feminism, English literature, female literary tradition. TURKEY.
19. TITLE: The representation of teacher training specialists and Human Resources Management’s experience in identifying the effective factors on merit and professional competencies for recruiting teachers at Farhangian University. AUTHORS: Farrokh Ghorbani Namvar, Jafar Beikzad, Farhad Nejad Irani, Nader Bohlouli. ABSTRACT: Studies in the world show how recruiting based on professional merits leads to economy’s advancement and development. The data collection was done via interviews with focal groups. All interviews were recorded, handwritten and analyzed, analyzing and integrating the main components. One main component was identified and by analyzing others, 69 extra components were extracted: teacher self-control, job commitment, intelligence competencies, love for teaching, technological competence and communication competences, flexibility and respect for religions, etc. Of the 69 axes obtained from interviews, attention to internship and forecasting periods are among the most important components as effective factors in upgrading the competence and professional competencies of student teachers. KEY WORDS: teacher training specialists, Human Resources management, competencies and professional qualifications, Farhangian University. IRAN.
20. TITLE: The main areas of the State Regulation of agricultural organizations. AUTHORS: Olga A. Zubrenkova, Tatyana N. Kutayeva, Darya S. Gorshkova, Oksana A. Lomachenko, Kirill Yu. Kurilov, Nikolay T. Savrukov. ABSTRACT: The article presents the areas of state support for agricultural organizations at the macro and micro levels. It also justifies the effectiveness of its use. The materials in the article are of practical value to agricultural organizations and can help determine measures to increase the effectiveness of their state support at the macro and micro levels. They are also useful for the management bodies of the municipal regions to organize the activities of the regional agroindustrial complex. KEY WORDS: State regulation, state support, state aid, agricultural organizations, agriculture. RUSSIA.
21.TITLE: Estimation of Government support effectiveness for agricultural commodity producers. AUTHORS: Zinaida A. Mishina, Sergey N. Kozlov, Anna A. Mikhailova, Olga E. Zavivaeva, Anastasia A. Kurilova. ABSTRACT: The relevance of the study is in the development of the production of agricultural products and its main difficulties. Problems related to the development of state support to producers of agricultural products in Russia are examined and described. The research was based on the work of agricultural researchers from Russia and other countries. The article justifies the system of state support for producers of agricultural products as the main direction to maintain the weakest aspects of the production process. The main thing at this moment is the definition of approaches, taking into account specific aspects of the industry, commercial conditions and their size, which will determine the amount of subsidies for the development of producers of agricultural commodities. KEY WORDS: subsidizing, agricultural commodity producers, federal and regional budget, development program, efficiency of state support. RUSSIA.
22.TITLE: Political influences and effective tax rates: Evidence from Pakistan. AUTHORS: Muhammad Sadiq, Shafi Mohamad, Garrett Kwong Wing Chong. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this document is to examine the relationship between political influences and effective tax rates. This study examines whether companies with political influence pay significantly lower effective taxes than Pakistani companies. The study used a sample of companies that are not listed on the stock exchange in Pakistan during the 2009-2013 period. The results predicted that companies with political influence pay significantly lower effective taxes compared to companies without political influence. This study contributes to the field of political economy theory in which it provides a deep perspective to policy makers interested in improving transparency in transnational economies. KEY WORDS: political influences, effective tax rates, political economy theory, Pakistan. MALAYSIA.
23.TITLE: Implementation of the Accessible Environment state program of the Russian Federation for 2011-2020 in the Trans-Baikal region as a mechanism of improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. AUTHORS: Marina B. Liga, Irina A. Shchetkina, Elena Y. Zakharova. ABSTRACT: The article tries to reveal the mechanism for improving the quality of life of people with disabilities represented by the state program of the Russian Federation entitled: 'Accessible Environment'. The implementation of the state program reduces the economic burden on the country's budget, improves the quality of life of people with disabilities, makes them participate in social and economic processes and overcomes the barriers that prevent people with disabilities from leading an active life. The article analyzes the basic approaches to the study of the term "quality of life", finds its essential characteristics and its functional certainty and has practical value for regulatory agencies and state agencies, non-governmental organizations and world society in general. KEY WORDS: quality of life, people with disabilities, state program, sociological study. RUSSIA.
24.TITLE: A comparative study of civil society in sociological theories. AUTHORS: Abbas Naeemi Jourshari, Termeh behboodi. ABSTRACT: In the present research, it has been attempted to focus on the conceptual evolution of civil society in a sociological perspective alongside studying conceptual history of civil society. This article is developed based on the question of the meaning civil society and the obligation of its consistency in the modern world. In this regard, the explanation and illustration of the concept of civil society, with emphasis on the views and thoughts of sociologists such as Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, Jurgen Habermas, Pierre Bourdieu, and Robert David Putnam, have been addressed. The research method is descriptive and data collection method is librarian. KEY WORDS: civil society, sociology theories, Marx, Gramsci, Putnam. IRAN.
25.TITLE: Sociomorphic metaphor as a source of manipulation in Election Campaign Discourse. AUTHORS: Jerome Baghana, Emilia Bocharova. ABSTRACT: This article describes the functioning of sociomorphic metaphor within the texts produced and delivered within the framework of presidential election campaign discourses in the United States of America and Russia. In the course of the conducted research, we have detected and analysed five main types of metaphor persistent in election campaign discourse. This paper represents the part of the said work, devoted to sociomorphic metaphor. Following the analysis of examples, we have defined five source domains of sociomorphic metaphor and analysed their functioning. The results obtained allow us characterize the status of sociomorphic metaphor for American and Russian election campaign discourses. KEY WORDS: political discourse analysis, cognitive metaphor, sociomorphic metaphor, metaphoric model, political communication. RUSSIA.
26.TITLE: Study of decision-making styles of managers according to their locus of control and learning styles. AUTHORS: Salim Akyürek, Mert Baştaş. ABSTRACT: The objective of this research is to specify how the decision-making styles of managers change according to their learning styles and control approach. Three scales were used in this research: "Decision-Making Styles Scale (DMSS)", "Locus of Control Scale (LOCS)", and "Learning Styles İnventory (LSI)". This study involved managers, assistant principals and deputy managers of state secondary schools of the Ministry of National Education, Izmir. The result of the investigation revealed that managers preferred the decision-making styles in their majority, their focal point was the internal audit and the ABSTRACT adaptation that conceptualized the learning styles. It was observed that their decision-making styles differed proportionally in comparison with the learning styles and control approach. KEY WORDS: Manager, Decision-making style, Learning style, Locus of control. TURKEY.
27.TITLE: Media discourse syntactical features of the venezuelan and iberian variants of spanish. AUTHORS: Anna I. Noskova, Liliya G. Gazizova, Liliya A. Nefedova. ABSTRACT: This article is dedicated to study of syntactical peculiarities of media discourse on basis of example of venezuelan and iberian variants of spanish. conception of national variants of spanish by domestic scientist and academic G.V. Stepanov served as methodological basis for this study. authors detected that in most cases, in media discourse, use of inversions, parallel syntactic and reduplicative structures is characteristic for spanish language of iberian peninsula. This is also characteristic for spanish of venezuela. KEY WORDS: media discourse, syntactical peculiarities, venezuelan national variant of spanish, iberian national variant of spanish, inter-variant dialectology. RUSSIA.
28.TITLE: State vs. Religions historically represented in the state: points of concurrence and planes of distinction. AUTHORS: Igor V. Ponkin, Tatiana M. Chelpanova, Marina V. Markhgeym, Mikhail N. Kouznetsov. ABSTRACT: The article is devoted to the study of the impelling imperatives and determinants of interactions of the secular state and religious organizations (especially - historically represented in the state), the limits and modes of such interactions. The authors address the issue of the limits of intervention and, on the contrary, non-interference of the state in the affairs of religious associations. The issue of the nature and content of respect by the state for internal normative regulations of religious organizations, about the measure due for the state in such respect is examined. The nature and content of the autonomy of religious organizations and their internal orders are shown. KEY WORDS: religious rights and freedoms, autonomy, secular state, relations between the state and religious organizations, constitutional law. RUSSIA.
29. TITLE: Factors of intolerance formation in Modern Russian Society. AUTHORS: Madina M. Shakhbanova, Galina I. Kolesnikova, Vladimir N. Gryshai, Maxim A. Abramov, Dmitrii V. Skvortsov, Andrey A. Kurnosenko. Alexander N. Korsakov. ABSTRACT: The factors of formation of interethnic intolerance in modern Russian society are considered in this paper. We established that the growth of poverty, stratification of society into the poor and rich, social insecurity, the problem of employment, unemployment, the presence of corruption and inefficiency of the policy pursued by the government in its eradication, the activities of informal national leaders opposing the Russian peoples to each other, low culture of interethnic communication, the loss of the principles of international education, interethnic confrontation, as well as lack of trust in the authorities are the barriers in the process of formation of interethnic harmony on the basis of the results of sociological study. KEY WORDS: tolerance, intolerance, interethnic relations, Russian society, interethnic harmony. RUSSIA.
30. TITLE: The integration of Migrants in the transcultural space: The position and tendencies in the south of Russia. AUTHORS: Madina M. Shakhbanova, Alexander A. Semenov, Tatiana N. Kovaleva, Valery V. Kasyanov, Olga K. Kaznacheeva, Olga A. Burtseva, Victoriya A. Lepikhova. ABSTRACT: There are the issues of the integration of internal migrants in a foreign ethnic and cultural environment observed with positive and negative trends in this process in this article. There was an assessment of the multi-ethnicity of Dagestan with very different arguments characterized for the public mind both indigenous and internal migrants based on the results of a sociological study. At the same time, there is proportion with negative characteristic of the republic multinational. They said it provokes interethnic conflicts in the Republic and leads to territorial disputes between the Dagestan peoples, and worsens interethnic relations within the Dagestan peoples and complicates the socio-economic situation in the Republic. KEY WORDS: adaptation, Dagestan peoples, interethnic relations, migration, migration processes. RUSSIA.
31.TITLE: Monitoring criminal writs of attachment in the light of a fair trial. Effects and challenges. AUTHORS: Mohammad Reza Rahmati, Mehdi Sheidaeian, Seyyed Mahmoud Mir Khalili, Shahrdad Darabi. ABSTRACT: The principle of supervision is the right of the authorities to supervise the exercise of the powers of all government institutions, including the institution of criminal justice, in order to guarantee the rights and liberties of citizens and the public interest. The follow-up of supply agreements is of particular importance in a fair trial to avoid any excessive restriction of the rights of the accused or the victim in the protection of the rights of the victim and the community. In this research we will examine the effects and challenges of monitoring supply agreements in Iran's criminal justice system. KEY WORDS: principle of supervision, principle of innocence, supply arrangements, fair trial. IRAN.
32.TITLE: The concept of expediency at the system of prosecution in Iran and the United Kingdom. AUTHORS: Mehdi Sheidaeian, Mahdi Taville, Seyyed Mahmoud Mir Khalili, Shahrdad Darabi. ABSTRACT: In this article, the author attempts to investigate what is expedient considering the expediency of the prosecutor, the expediency of the individual or community, and on the assumption of the interests of the individual, and if the interests of the defendant should be considered or the victim's interest (plaintiff)? In addition, this paper examines which authority and authority of the prosecutor identifies as a judicial or judicial authority (prosecutor's office); however, is it worthy of the lawmakers in the legal systems that use this criminal prosecution system? In order to prevent the tyranny of the judiciary and the verifiability of the decision made in the legal texts, they should personally specify the material. KEY WORDS: law, prosecution, punishment, prosecutor, expediency. IRAN.
33.TITLE: Investigating Iraqi Contract Laws in Aviation Sector and Impact of Exploitation. AUTHOR: Mustafa Rashid Issa. ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to understand the role of Iraqi contract laws in rehabilitation programs in the aviation sector, as well as the impact of exploitation on development activities in this sector. The data (33 observations) were obtained from the General Authority of Civil Aviation of Iraq and the Central Department of Statistics and Information of Iraq and included the number of contracts signed with the Iraqi airlines in the period under study, the number of operations of the airways in the passenger and cargo segments, and the bank loans advanced to the airlines. The findings reveal that Iraqi rehabilitation programs were adequately contributed by the public-private partnership, but were marred by the evils of corruption. KEY WORDS: corruption, civil aviation, public-private partnership. IRAQ.
34.TITLE: Problems of legal regulation of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Russia: Some approaches to the solution. AUTHORS: Pavel P. Baranov, Aleksey Yu Mamychev, Andrey A. Plotnikov, Dmitry Yu Voronov, Elena M. Voronova. ABSTRACT: The article analyzes the main problems and contradictions in the formation of legal regimes for the regulation of robotics, artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies of our time. The content of the work shows the lack of preparation of science and modern legal practice for the conceptual and legal design, legal and technical development of regulatory legal acts aimed at the legislative setting and regulation of the processes of use of artificial intelligence and robots in public relations, as well as the definition of responsibility and appropriate ways of protecting legitimate interests, rights, liberties in the personality system-society-state. KEY WORDS: drones, innovative technologies, artificial intelligence, legal regimes, robotic technologies. RUSSIA.
35.TITLE: Legal regulation of weapons in accordance with current generally accordance Principles and Standards of International Law. AUTHORS: Anatoly Prudnikov, Mikhail Smirnov. ABSTRACT: The article deals with the problems of the regulation of conventional weapons, the perspectives of regulation of weapon of mass destruction, especially biological weapon. The sphere of international security requires the conventional limitation of the arms development. In the modern world, new threats, such as terrorism and geopolitical dominance, lead to the need to strengthen the international equipment control. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the conventional control and prohibit or limit a number of weapons' types. Without international control, primarily through the UN, there is a serious risk of the use of new types of weapons by various marginal groups in countries with unstable state control. KEY WORDS: international public law, military conflicts, WMD, biological warfare, international security. RUSSIA.
36.TITLE: The genesis of the concept of National Interest: Theoretical and Legal Analysis. AUTHORS: Bela B. Bidova, Valeria P. Lebedinskaya, Olympiada N. Charitonova. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is analysis of historiography of concepts of national interests in legal science. The doctrinal and conceptual features of securing national interests in the modern Russian legal system are selected and priorities of formation of the system of national interests are defined, the optimum ways of formation of system of national interests are proposed through integrated models that ensure adequate integration of a national interest’s objective, establishment of legal mechanisms of their protection and implementation. We investigated and evaluated the effectiveness of the international legal mechanisms of ensuring national interests of Russia in the regional and global level, defined the priorities of international legal cooperation in the context of ensuring national security and protecting national interests. KEY WORDS: social interests, legitimate interests, implementation mechanism, national security. RUSSIA.
37.TITLE: Institutionalization of law-making principles as a way to transform scientific categories into the law-making solutions. AUTHORS: Mikhail B. Rumyantsev, Vladislav Yu Turanin, Olga N. Gorodnova, Arthur A. Semenov, Yuliya V. Boltenkova. ABSTRACT: Institutionalization of law-making principles is the most important state task to give to the law-making the task-oriented formation, to enforce legally state’s social purpose and development ways. The scientific perception of this principle should be enforced in legal act framework without which the principle itself shall not be valuable and alive. Institutionalization of law-making principles is preservation in legal norms the basic ideas, social and other values as the leading landmarks to regulate public relationships in order to form the social stability and development in the state. The formal figuration of law-making principles cannot be conceptualized unless solved in view of the legal regulation extent. KEY WORDS: law-making, institutionalization, legal science, perception, formal figuration. RUSSIA.
38.TITLE: Conflict features depending on stay duration at workplace. AUTHORS: Kirill S. Ezhov, Elena I. Cherdymova, Alexey I. Prokopyev, Maxim S. Fabrikov, Nikolay I. Dorokhov, Yulia V. Serebrennikova, Andrey L. Belousov, Olga S. Efimova. ABSTRACT. The study of conflicts is one of the most dynamic areas of development of psychology, so the article presents a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the concept of conflict as a result of the comparison of the indicators obtained during the study of styles, patterns of behavior in situations of conflict and types of reactions in situations of stress. It was found that the members of the group, with a long stay in the workplace, have constructive models to face stressful situations, as well as that the types of reactions to conflict situations such as negativity and irritability were more pronounced. The results obtained can be used in the psychology of work, practical psychology, sociology, as well as for the theoretical development of this topic. KEY WORDS: conflict, level of aggressiveness, strategy of overcoming stressful situations, level of conflict nature. RUSSIA.
39. TITLE: Legal culture of Ural residents in the Post-Reform period. AUTHORS: Yuriy D. Korobkov, Svetlana S. Velikanova, Natalya V. Igoshina, Aleksandra V. Prokofeva, Elena L. Mitsan, Natalia A. Dolgushina, Oksana P. Chernykh, ABSTRACT: The paper analyzes the peculiarities of the legal culture of workers of the mining and metallurgical Urals in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries. In the course of the study, we concluded that the attitude of the Ural workers to the law was determined not formally by legal norms, but its interpretation in accordance with their own ideas of justice and legal dualism according to the principle “judged by law or by conscience”. This further served as the people's legal legitimization of any lawlessness, when it was in the interests of the masses and led to the priority of group regulators over national ones. KEY WORDS: legal culture, workers, Urals, police, power, law. RUSSIA.
40. TITLE: An exact study of the word Justice from Rumi's viewpoint in Masnavi. AUTHORS: Hadi Javadi Hesar, Reza Ashrafzadeh, ABSTRACT: In this article, we try to examine precisely Rumi's horizons to justice from various aspects, and we should endeavor to use this word to show that Rumi has not suffered from the same traditional look. With the thought of the fractured structure and the northern norm, he brought the most precise debates in the Jirga of Jalal, and put every story and bit in which the word "justice" was used in the horizontal and vertical axis with other words to deepen the thought of this Ash'arist thinker. KEY WORDS: justice, Rumi, Masnavi, spiritual. IRAN.
41. TITLE: Motivation and needs in the area of the spouses with different experiences of cohabitation. AUTHORS: Viktor V. Pushkarev, Elena I. Cherdymova, Alexey I. Prokopyev, Mikhail G. Kochurov, Nikolay V. Shamanin, Sergey G. Ezhov, Svetlana V. Kamenskaya, Natalia V. Kargina. ABSTRACT: Currently, the subject of studying the motivational sphere and based on the needs of the spouses becomes relevant, since modern Russia is going through a difficult period in its history. The article provides an exhaustive and detailed analysis of the concept of marital compatibility. As a result of comparing the indicators, it was revealed that marital compatibility acts as a consistency of family values and role expectations. Affirmations in the implementation of family functions also affect the physical and mental health of a family, the personality of the person, their mood and activity. KEY WORDS: family, matrimonial compatibility, motivational and needs-based sphere, psychological climate, family values. RUSSIA.
42.TITLE: Study of the demand for Occupational Health and Safety Services. AUTHORS: L. A. Vasilieva, E. E. Borisova, N. S. Atopsheva, V. N. Rukavishnikova, T. Yu Freze. ABSTRACT: This article presents a survey on the demand for occupational health and safety services for more than 550 educators and workers in the production industry. It is observed that the workers are not sure that the occupational safety training, the special evaluation of the working conditions and the exercise of the functions of the occupational safety service can positively affect their health and the working conditions in the workplace, nor do they know that they are the final beneficiaries when it comes to the quality and fullness of health and safety at work services. It is necessary to improve the quality of occupational health and safety services for employees and encourage employers to assign means for job security. KEY WORDS: employer, employee, service, occupational health and safety, working conditions. RUSSIA.
43.TITLE: Requirements for green restoration and renovation of existing buildings. AUTHORS: Farshad Asadbeigi, Javad Majrouhi Sardroud, Alireza Bijar. ABSTRACT: As the destruction and rehabilitation of buildings can cause high environmental pollution and high energy consumption, ecological restoration and the modernization of buildings can be considered as one of the main approaches to achieve a reduced volume of greenhouse gases and consumption of energy. In addition to reviewing previous studies on the rehabilitation and restoration of green buildings, this study has evaluated the steps of the methods used for the rehabilitation and restoration of green buildings. Consequently, the cost-benefit of the methods and their limitations have been evaluated. KEY WORDS: green buildings, building restoration, building lifecycle, building renovation feasibility. IRAN.
44.TITLE: Role of myth and religion in the culture of Ethnos. AUTHORS: Azer A. Mamedov, Tatyana N. Fomina, Valentina A. Shabunina, Esita E. Ganaeva, Sergey L. Grigoryev. ABSTRACT: The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of myth and religion in the culture of ethnic groups, highlighting the importance of the environment, landscape and ecology to the formation of ethnic associations in a particular territory. A rational reconstruction of the content of the religious and mythological elements of the ethnic conscience with approach to the myth was carried out as the first spiritual manifestation that allowed the definition of the primary basis of the ethnic conscience. The importance of these ethnic groups to find a harmonious coexistence with their environment is pointed out, concluding that ethnic Talysh self-identity was formed in close relation with its surrounding geographical environment limited by the Talysh mountains system, which characterize isolations that have contributed to the preservation of the singular and original Talysh culture during a long historical period. KEY WORDS: ethnic consciousness, myth, culture, Talysh. RUSSIA.
45.TITLE: The impact of Happiness on Economic Growth and Community Development: A Dynamic Panel Estimation. AUTHORS: R. Rasiah, V. Guptan, M.S. Habibullah. ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to assess the impact of happiness on the nation's growth in an effort to understand the importance of placing human well-being at the center of policy making decisions that would develop communities in a more sustainable way. This study uses the technique of dynamic panel estimation of generalized methods of moments (gmm) to analyze a set of micro-panel data from fifty countries selected for the period 2000 to 2013. The results show evidence that happiness and the formation of capital have a favourable impact on economic growth. KEY WORDS: happiness, economic growth, community development, sustainable development. MALAYSIA.
46.TITLE: Evaluating the veiling culture and its effect on Social Security; Case study of Ardebil women. AUTHORS: Majid Asadi Farsani, Mohsen Barzegari, Soheila Abdol Rahimi Niari. ABSTRACT: Social security seems to be related with the kind of dressing, and it can play a role in enhancing the social security of women through modifying the dressing pattern. Therefore, the statistical population of this research includes women and girls aged from 15 to 40. The methodology is survey and sampling method is clustering. The results showed that women's dressing culture also significantly affects the level of social security and the sense of security and prevention of their social threats, and the entry of alien cultures can be a factor in aggravating the downfall of women's security in the community. KEY WORDS: dressing culture, social security, veil. IRAN.
47.TITLE: Investigating the cognitive current of contemporary literary interpretations, focusing on Egypt region. AUTHORS: Hossein Mirzaei, Mohammad Mahdi Taghdisi. ABSTRACT: Undoubtedly, the ideas of scholars such as Taha Hossein, as the most prominent contemporary philosopher and thinker of Egypt, Sayed Ghotb, as innovative scholar and revolutionary theorist and Khouli, as the most outstanding person of literary flow, have flourished it. Investigating and rooting the current of this approach aiming to being aware of new horizons of contemporary Quranic studies and accurate analysis of its events, innovative aspect and finding the role of hidden factors such as the activities of enlightenment forums, reforming movements, literary movement and movement of patriotism in formation of this school are of the findings of this study. KEY WORDS: cognitive current, contemporary literary, Egypt. IRAN.
48. TITLE: Family and Children in the system of vital installations of youth of the South of Russia. A sociological study. AUTHORS: Anna V. Vereshchagina, Valery V. Kasyanov, Dmitry V. Krotov, Anna T. Latysheva, Larisa I. Kobysheva, Larisa N. Tutova, Elvira M. Zagirova. ABSTRACT: The article discusses the position and state of the family in the social environment, as well as its perception in modern Russian society. According to the results of our study, we identify that there is a negative attitude toward the lack of voluntary children in the massive minds of the people of Dagestan. Although many of the respondents indicated that the main purpose of a woman is to be a mother; at the same time, the respondents refer to families without children and especially those who were left without children due to the condition of one of the spouses. KEY WORDS: childless family, voluntary childlessness, family crisis. RUSSIA.
49. TITLE: The traditional family: the institutional invariants of development on the South of Russia. AUTHOR: Karina S. Chikaeva., Natalia Yu. Belikova, Valery V. Kasyanov, Nikolay P. Lyubetsky, Elvira M. Zagirova, Madina K. Nagieva, Ramila I. Remikhanova. ABSTRACT: Institutional alternatives for the development of a traditional family in Dagestan are from the existing images of this type of family in Dagestan society. The authors of the study hold the position that since the dynamics of any phenomena and processes takes place in the space between the real and the ideal. The traditional modernization will remain prevalent preserving the probability of the existence of an alternative to the institutional development of the traditional family in the modern Dagestan society with a focus on the coordinated connection of the traditional foundations of family life and those innovative elements that do not threaten the preservation of the traditional culture of the Dagestan peoples according to the results of the study. KEY WORDS: traditions, innovations, traditional family, Dagestan family, family and marriage. RUSSIA.
50. TITLE: Comparative investigation of Borzuya, the physician’s and John Hick’s viewpoints in the problem of diversity of religions and coexistence of followers of religions. AUTHORS: Seyedmohammadreza Azarkasb, Seyedheydar Azarkasb. ABSTRACT: This paper investigates Borzuya, the physician’s and Hick’s viewpoints in the problem of diversity of religions and coexistence of followers of religions in a comparative method. The method is to compare data obtained by documentary analysis and reviewing accessible works and historic documentaries about Borzuya and works of Hick on his viewpoints in the problem of diversity of religions and pluralism. Borzuya’s common ground with Hick is in negation of exclusivism and inclusivism, thinking in contrast to unbelieving and his attention to morality as abstract of all religions, but he disagrees him in quiddity of real religion and savior religion. Results show that followers of religions can understand each other by morality and gain a coexistence. KEY WORDS: Borzuya the Physician, John Hick, diversity of religions, pluralism, coexistence of followers of religions. IRAN.
51.TITLE: Tecnological Approach to identification of accounting items in crop production. AUTHORS: Natalia N. Karzaeva, Maria V. Bengardt, Liudmila I. Khoruzhy, Rafkat Gaysin, Svetlana N. Grishkina. ABSTRACT: The article presents the results of the study on the identification of production objects in crop production. The AUTHORS systematized the information about the features of the technological process of crop production including participation in the process of land and biological assets, the dependence of the technological process on natural and climatic conditions, the duration of the biotransformation process, and its mismatch with the calendar period. The AUTHORS substantiated an integrated approach to the identification of the production process objects, based on the synthesis of technological and economic approaches. KEY WORDS: crop production, technological process, finished products, semi-finished products, work-in-progress. RUSSIA, GERMANY.
52.TITLE: Objectives and challenges of ensuring economic and information security in the digital economy. AUTHORS: Evgeniy A. Voronin, Igor V. Yushin. ABSTRACT: Securing information and economic security is one of the main challenges of the digital economy and although the problem is of an interdisciplinary and multifaceted nature, it focuses on two spheres: economy and information. By restricting access to information through ill-conceived measures to increase their security, we slow down economic growth and at the same time relax the risk of economic losses and risks. Consequently, only a balanced combination of economic security with cybersecurity can guarantee the sustainable economic development of society in the digital environment. The work done by subsidy Russian Foundation for Basic Research 18-29-03056 «Evaluation of information and economic security through automatic learning methods in the information space of the digital economy». KEY WORDS: digital economy, information security, economic security, artificial intelligence, economic and functional risks. RUSSIA.
53.TITLE: The impact of innovative technologies on the International Space Services Market Development. AUTHORS: Vladimir V. Filatov, Natalia A. Zaitseva, Anna A. Larionova, Ludmila V. Maslennikova, Irina P. Palastina, Mikhail T. Belov, Olga M. Lizina. ABSTRACT: The purpose of the article is to address the attention towards scientific approaches to determine the nature of space services and their main participants, identifying the characteristics of the Russian market in these services, highlighting and describing their main segments in the Russian Federation. The article declares the conceptual apparatus, summarizes the results of the analysis of the formation and development of the international space services market, describes the role of innovative technologies in the provision of competitive advantages of the space launched by the modern market leader: the company SpaceX, as well as a systematization of the main problems in the development of the Russian market of space services for the period 2000-2018. The article can be used by government authorities and corporations involved in space services. KEY WORDS: comic services, Roscosmos, SpaceX, innovative technologies. RUSSIA.
54.TITLE: Usage of regions’ innovative activity assessment results for the National Cluster Policy development. AUTHORS: Oksana V. Takhumova, Anna A. Larionova, Natalia A. Zaitseva, Elena V. Povorina, Natalia O. Vikhrova, Elena V. Bykasova, Vadim A. Zhukov. ABSTRACT: The main objective of the work is to clarify and expand methodological approaches to evaluate and register the innovative activity of the region for the development of the national cluster policy. Theoretical and empirical research methods were used, the literature review and an analysis of existing methodological approaches for the evaluation of the innovative activity of the regions. We suggest the system of indicators grouped by input, intermediate and output parameters, according to which the classification of the Russian regions was compiled in reference to the development of innovative activities. The importance of the results obtained is to determine the innovative orientation of the development of the region, of systems and of strategic measures for the revitalization of innovation activities in less developed regions. KEY WORDS: innovation activity, methodical approach, composite index, cluster analysis, cluster policy. RUSSIA.
55. TITLE: A lexicographic approach to the decoding of Polar codes. AUTHORS: Nikolay Yu. Chilikhin, Dmitrii V. Ganin, Roman V. Klimov, Aleksey A. Shamin, Aleksey B. Kuzmichev. ABSTRACT. Modern information communication systems require not only the development of new methods and algorithms for decoding existing redundant codes, but also the creation of new classes of error-correcting codes. This article examines a lexicographic approach (including its modifications) to the decoding of polar codes. Results shows that a comparison of the energy gain between the proposed lexicographical approach to decoding polar codes and the classical decoding schemes have been carried out. The proposed approach showed the best results in terms of correction capabilities in the range of low signal-to-noise ratios. KEY WORDS: base cluster, lexicographic decoding, Hamming metric, soft decision decoding, soft decoding. RUSSIA.
56. TITLE: A theory of quantifying the effect of jet blasts from aircrafts on temperature of the surface course of asphalt-concrete airfield pavement. AUTHORS: Alexey L. Ramos, Eduard V. Kotlyarsky, Yury E. Vasilev, Vladimir A. Popov, Igor Y. Sarichev. ABSTRACT: This document has attempted to theoretically justify the need to take into account the increase in the pavement temperature of the concrete asphalt airfield, when there is a repeated effect produced by jets of aircraft on the surface of the pavement, in the stability calculations thermodynamics of the course of the surface; not only in cases where the jet velocity of the jet is equal to or greater than 100 m/s, but also in the other operating conditions. It will reduce the risks of plastic deformation, possible jet erosion and potholes, even at the design stage, and apply asphalt mixtures with specific properties for the course of the pavement surface. KEY WORDS: jet erosion, heat exchange, temperature field, turbulence, thermal conductivity. RUSSIA.
57.TITLE: Evaluation of creativity pragmatics in the design of gowns of the 2nd International Fashion and Clothing Festival of Iran based on the Scamper Technical Pattern. AUTHORS: Elahe Safi Nejad, Majid Asadi Farsani, Mohsen Barzegari Ardakan, Mahmoud Ashari. ABSTRACT: Humanity has always been thinking about changing the style of its coverage. In this research, it has been tried to evaluate the rate of creativity pragmatics is evaluated on the gowns (social / display) of the 2nd Fajr Festival, which is descriptive-analytical method with a qualitative approach and has a practical purpose library and documentary method has been used for collecting data. The results showed that the most adapted pattern and the minimization pattern has allocated to itself the lowest percentage of scamper pattern frequency in the designs of gowns (social/display) of the 2nd fashion festival and Fajr clothing in the community. KEY WORDS: clothes designing, creativity, scamper technical pattern. IRAN.
58.TITLE: Calculation and construction of optical elements of light devices. AUTHOR: Irina Ivanovna Bayneva. ABSTRACT: At the LED module choice or calculation many factors, including requirements for illumination and execution of optics, have to be considered. Taking into account a design of LED modules, modeling light distribution of light devices is carried out. In order to create the required chart of illumination in many cases, the specialized secondary optics for light-emitting diodes is used. Calculation of optical elements consists of stages of the LED module modeling and its optimization. The program of optical modeling TracePro which functionality is considered in article is applied to modeling and computer design. The example of modeling and optimization of the LED module with a mirror reflector is also given. KEY WORDS: light device, light-emitting diode, lens, reflector, optical system. RUSSIA.
59.TITLE: Design of integrated optical Receiver DC-20 GHz based on SiGe BiCMOS technology. AUTHORS: Artyom S. Koryakovtsev, Andrey A. Kokolov, Alexey V. Pomazanov, Feodor I. Sheyerman, Leonid I. Babak. ABSTRACT: The integrated receiver design with DC-20 GHz bandwidth based on 0.25 μm SiGe BiCMOS technology is described. The following results were obtained: the gain up to 20 GHz is approximately 22-2 5dB, the transimpedance gain is 61-65 dBΩ within the bandwidth, and the current consumption is 60 mA. The output power at 20 GHz is -4.5 dBm, the rms output amplitude is 0.3 V with a load of 50 Ohms, current noise referred to the input in = 15.6 pA / √Hz, the group delay for the receiver optical is 30 ± 2 ps. The device can be used in broadband telecommunications systems, microwave signal transmission lines within large objects, phased array antennas and much more. KEY WORDS: transimpedance amplifier, microwave photonics, photodiode, differential amplifier, SiGe BiCMOS. RUSSIA.
60.TITLE: Effect of pore water chemistry on hydro-mechanical behavior of compacted expansive clay. AUTHORS: Yaser Vanda, Saber Avestakh. ABSTRACT: Pore fluid science may seriously change the concoction organizations of dirts by methods for interchangeable cations. The point is to decide the rate of progress in a portion of the geotechnical engineering properties of clayey soils when presented to salts regarding refined water. Thus, we gathered high expansive clays from sport stadium in eastern Mediterranean university, north Cyprus. The results illustrate that the solution concentration straightly affects a range of parameters ranging from the evaporation tensile strength, unconfined compression to the internal stress that develops at specific gravimetric water contents. KEY WORDS: unsaturated soils, desiccation, shrinkage, chemistry. TURKEY, IRAN.
61.TITLE: The study of reflective optical system characteristics. AUTHOR: I. I. Bayneva. ABSTRACT: In the present work, the problems of engineering calculation of light devices, as well as optical devices for redistribution of light, were considered, and the characteristics and properties of the elementary images of an optical reflector system with a reflector of light were described. jo. The description and mathematical dependencies for the calculation of characteristics are presented using the device to study elementary mappings and aberrations. KEY WORDS: light device, light source, optical system, reflector, elementary display. RUSSIA.
62.TITLE: Influence of Technology on Arabic Language and Literature. AUTHORS: R. Jahanafroz, F. Hossein Janzadeh. ABSTRACT: The effects of technological influences are very evident both in the Arabic language and in literature. In the lexical field, many individual and collective efforts have been made to meet the needs and to keep pace with the era of technology, which has finally led to the emergence of several academies in the Arab countries to create new terms and modern technologies and scientific terminologies. In the field of literature, we also observe abundant presence of scientific and technological terms. Poets in their poems describe scientific inventions and technology, and by expressing their own intentions, benefit from new scientific and cultural manifestations. In this work, the influence of technology on language and literature is emphasized. KEY WORDS: Technology, Arabic language and literature, impression and impact, technology manifestations. IRAN.
63. TITLE: Analysis of Code Conversion System Development Problems. AUTHORS: Dmitrij N. Galanin, Victor O. Georgiev, Vladislav M. Gorbunov, Nikolai A. Prokopyev. ABSTRACT: This paper presents an analysis of actual at present time problems of program code conversion and their practical solutions with usage of software development tools. The main problems of that domain are revealed and systemized, some ways of solving these problems are given. A structural mock-up of “Code converter” system is developed and presented. This system features source code translation from one language to another with usage of abstract syntax trees and several utility templates for emulation of language constructs, programming paradigms and standard library functions, which are non-existent in target languages. KEY WORDS: code conversion, system mockup, structural scheme, tools and technologies. RUSSIA.
64. TITLE: Decision-Making Support System for tasks distribution in Personal Data Operators Register Maintaining based on a Fuzzy-Production Model. AUTHORS: Ilyas I. Ismagilov, Fatikh Sh. Nugaev, Alexey S. Katasev, Nafis G. Talipov, Dina V. Kataseva. ABSTRACT: This article describes the developed decision-making support system for tasks distribution in an automated electronic document management system. The main task of the system is an effective tasks distribution by performers for keeping the personal data operators register. To solve this problem, a fuzzy-production model is proposed, based on the given type fuzzy rules systems construction and an inference algorithm based on rules. According to the testing results, it was concluded that it is possible to significantly reduce the intellectual burden on a person in the tasks distribution. KEY WORDS: electronic document management, assignment of tasks, fuzzy production model, software complex, decision support system. RUSSIA.
65 TITLE: Poultry manure physicochemical properties Fertilizer from Solid Pyrolysis. AUTHORS: Ilnar Abuzarovich Nasyrov, Gennady Vitalevich Mavrin, Nikolay Sergeyevich Sharipov, Rustam Ildarovich Kalimullin, Nikita Svyatoslavovich Shcherbinin. ABSTRACT: In this paper, we consider the possibility of using a solid pyrolysis product of litter poultry manure as a potential fertilizer and soil structure improver for agricultural purposes. he results showed that the granulometric composition of solid pyrolysis products, humidity, and mass fraction of ash and bulk density were studied. The parameters of water extract are studied. The content of heavy metals ions was determined by the method of atomic absorption spectroscopy. By ion chromatography the content of acidic residues in the aqueous extract were determined. The biological oxygen demand (BOD) was investigated by the Iodometric method. KEY WORDS: pyrolysis products, poultry manure, fertilizer, soil. RUSSIA.
66.TITLE: Direct and inverse problem of Cauchy type for the fraction equation with the degeneration and non-loaded operator coefficient. AUTHORS: Alexander V. Glushak, Irina V. Nekrasova, Vladimir V. Florinsky, Anna Z. Yaduta. ABSTRACT: A sufficient condition is proved for the solvability of a Cauchy-type problem for a degenerate fractional-order abstract equation. A distinctive feature of the work is the fact that the domain of the operator coefficient determination, which characterizes the degeneracy, is not assumed to be dense one. According to the operator coefficients of the equation they develop some operator function belonging to the space of linear bounded operators, and with its help a unique solvability of direct and inverse problems of Cauchy type is established. Let's note that the degenerate inverse problem is considered for the first time. KEY WORDS: degenerate fractional equation, non-densely defined operator, direct and inverse Cauchy type problem, resolving operator, unambiguous resolvability. RUSSIA.
67. TITLE: Supply of Oil And Gas Extracting Industry and Intelligent Decision Support System. AUTHORS: Tarifas Fares Abu-Abed, Alexey Khabarov. ABSTRACT: The decision support system is designed to ensure the minimization of risk of failure associated with drilling, and losses. The development of intelligent automated system to support the activities of the operator of the rig will allow proactive detection of causes that lead to emergency situations and provide opportunity for informed decision-making. To solve this problem, it is necessary to carry out the choice of mathematical apparatus for recog-nition of pre-emergency situations in the drilling process, and developing and training the classifi-er based on artificial neural network. KEY WORDS: pattern recognition, working vocabularies of features, artificial neural networks, abnormal situations, pre-crash sensing. RUSSIA.
68.TITLE: Hydrogen subatoms and photosynthesis in plants with a magnetic field. AUTHOR: V. K. Nevolin. ABSTRACT: The presence of hydrogen atoms in their subatomic states may be predicted if one accounts for the intrinsic energy of quantum movement of an electron in a proton-electron system. For this reason, a series of experiments whose purpose was to prove the presence of hydrogen subatoms was carried out. The formation of bound subatomic states of hydrogen is characterized by an observable ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength in the 206-nm region. Such radiation has been observed during photosynthesis in certain houseplants. The presence of a weak magnetic field is shown to selectively amplify this radiation. KEY WORDS: hydrogen subatoms, ultraviolet radiation, photosynthesis, magnetic field. RUSSIA.
69.TITLE: About Thermal Resistance Measurement of a Power Mis-Transistor. AUTHORS: Nikolay Bespalov, Aleksey Lysenkov. ABSTRACT: The article considers the method of thermal resistance determination for a transition-case of MIS-transistors with an induced channel. It is proposed to use the drain-source voltage as a temperature-sensitive parameter. The process of parameter temperature dependence calibration is described. The histogram of thermal resistance value distribution for power MIS-transistors is presented. KEY WORDS: power MIS-transistor, measuring method, thermal resistance transition-case, temperature-sensitive parameters. RUSSIA.
70.TITLE: Identifying pathologic anatomic images and frame mechanism for analyzing. AUTHORS: Rustamov Nasim, Tolep Abdimukhan, Kuatbekov Bekzat, Akimishev Galimgan. ABSTRACT: In the work, there is contemplated the issue arisen in designing the knowledge base (KB) for pathoanatomical images, the difficulties associated with presenting this knowledge for machine processing; essentially, the properties of the cell are changed with time. Consequently, the pathoanatomical images are dynamic. Proceeding from the definition of dynamic objects on video images, a frame algorithm for designing KB for the pathoanatomical images is proposed. This paper analyzes the algorithm of object recognition using the methods of mathematical statistics and mathematical logic. KEY WORDS: pathologist, image, recognition, mathematical logic, math statistics. REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN.
71.TITLE: Application of the operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) based low pass filter (LPF). AUTHORS: Ridouane Hamdaouy, Mostapha Boussetta, Khadija Slaoui. ABSTRACT: This paper presents designing of first order low pass filter using Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA). This paper illustrates an application of OTA as an active low pass filter. The primary building block of an OTA is the current mirror. Different current mirrors are used to design the LPF & the corresponding frequency and phase responses are comparatively studied in this paper. With comparatively CMOS OTA & NMOS OTA are to study but also illustrated in this article. KEY WORDS: Operational Transconductance Amplifier, CMOS OTA, NMOS OTA, filter. MOROCCO.
72.TITLE: The influence of Molybdenic Monocrystal Growing Conditions on the perfection of their structure. AUTHORS: Boris S. Predtechensky, Marina V. Fomina. ABSTRACT: The method of monocrystal obtaining from refractory metals by the method of zone melting with the use of electron beam heating is considered. The main factors affecting the number of dislocations in grown monocrystals are determined. Using the example of Mo monocrystals, the optimal conditions for the growth of monocrystals with a reduced dislocation density were established. KEY WORDS: zone melting, monocrystals of molybdenum, dislocations. RUSSIA.
73.TITLE: Approximation algorithms for analyzing the dynamic characteristics of the Probing Signal Generators for the Geotechnical Monitoring Systems. AUTHORS: O. R. Kuzichkin, G. S.Vasilyev, A.V. Grecheneva, D.I. Surzhik, N.V. Dorofeev, I. A. Kurilov. ABSTRACT: The paper considers the issues of development and design of the subsystem for the formation and management of probing signals for geotechnical monitoring, which is based on the method of radio wave sounding of the underground foundation of the buildings. This technique allowing quickly identify and prevent irreversible processes (destruction, deformation) in soil foundation, which arise under the influence of static, seismic and dynamic loads. The algorithm of analyzing the stability of digital computational synthesizers with automatic compensation of the phase distortions, used as probing signal generators for the geotechnical monitoring systems, is developed. KEY WORDS: geotechnical monitoring, probing signal generators, frequency synthesizers, automatic compensation, phase distortions. RUSSIA.
74.TITLE: Electricity Consumption Decrease at Pump Stations during Watering by Multi-Support Sprinkling Units. AUTHORS: F.K. Abdrazakov, N.F. Ryzhko, S.N. Ryzhko, S.A. Horin, S.V. Botov ABSTRACT: They were determined the main ways of electricity consumption reduction at pumping stations: the use of low-pressure sprinklers; the optimization of pumping unit operating mode; the use of low-pressure and variable aggregates; the regulation of a unit water consumption for simultaneous completion of watering by a group of machines, etc. They justified modernization of the low-pressure sprinkler "Fregat", which regulates water consumption and increases the reliability of its operation. They showed the effectiveness of low-pressure sprinkler machines "Fregat" introduction during their individual and group operation with the pump units of various types operating. KEY WORDS: sprinkler "Fregat", low pressure, modernization, pump unit, power consumption of watering. RUSSIA.
75.TITLE: Application of Dimatel Method to identify effective factors in smart organization (Case Study in Social Security Organization). AUTHORS: Taher Pazireh, Gholamreza Rahimi, Farhad Nejad Irani, Nader Bohlouli. ABSTRACT: In this research it has been tried to identify potential factors in smart organizations referring to similar studies and experts' opinions and identify the hierarchical structure of the factors and relationships of affecting and being affected and ultimately extract the important factors influencing smart organizations. The results of the research showed that, from expert's point of view, among the 15 criteria, the organization's learning and intelligence is of highest importance in an influential selection. It was also observed that the criterion of identifying needs, with the highest number of columns, was the most effective criterion and the criterion of the organization's learning. KEY WORDS: smart organization, social security organization, Dimatel method, multivariate decision-making. IRAN.
76.TITLE: The increase of qualitative indicators during watering with Multiple Support Sprinklers. AUTHORS: N.F. Ryzhko, F.K. Abdrazakov, S.N. Ryzhko, S.V. Botov, S.A. Khorin. ABSTRACT: Advanced devices for surface watering (DSW) were developed for the farm sprinklers which allow to increase the width of watering area, to reduce an average rain intensity, and adjust a sprinkler height above the soil surface as the agricultural plants grow. They developed a sprinkler nozzle with the "reverse cone" deflector, which forms a small-drop rain. The use of developed DSW and sprinklers on "Kuban-LK" sprinkler reduces the energy impact of rain on soil, improves the uniformity of watering in the wind, reduces water losses due to evaporation and demolition, and increases the irrigation rate to runoff. KEY WORDS: sprinkler, rain intensity, droplet size, near-surface watering. RUSSIA.
77.TITLE: Sorption purification of galvanic wastewater from Iron (Iii), Copper (Ii), Chromium (Vi) And Zinc (Ii) Ions Using Modified Solid Products of Pyrolysis Of Carbon-Containing Waste. AUTHORS: 1. Ilnar A. Nasyrov, Aliya R. Ahmetshina, Gennady V. Mavrin, Dinar D. Fazullin, Mikhail P. Sokolov, ABSTRACT: The adsorptive ability of products of pyrolysis on methylene blue is investigated on the spectrophotometer UNICO 2800. The product of pyrolysis of sludge sediments showed sorption properties to ions of heavy metals, with respect to iron ions, the degree of sorption was 99.8%, for the remaining investigated heavy metal ions it ranged from 35.4 to 77.6%. To increase the sorption activity of pyrolysis products, their activation by acid and alkali solutions has been studied. It is determined that the alkali solution increases the sorption efficiency of pyrolysis products to a greater extent. KEY WORDS: pyrolysis, carbon-containing wastes, sorbent, activated carbon, wastewater, heavy metal ions. RUSSIA.
78.TITLE: The mediation of customer satisfaction in the relationship between customer perceived value and loyalty in the banking sector of Pakistan using 2-Stage Structure Equation Modelling Approach. AUTHORS: Muhammad Imran khan, Muhammad Tahir Jan, Qaiser Aman, Muhammad Shahid Faqir, Rafaqet Ali. ABSTRACT: The aim of the paper is to investigate the role of customer satisfaction as a mediator among perceived value and loyalty in four leading banks of Punjab, Pakistan. The study in nature is descriptive quantitative. The collected data went through exhaustive process of analyses, where reliability tests were conducts followed by factor analysis and finally a two-stage structural equation modelling. The results reveal reasonably high reliability, six-factor structure during exploratory factor analysis, and acceptable fit during confirmatory factor analysis and full-fledge structural modelling. KEY WORDS: perceived customer value, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, structural equation modelling, Pakistan. PAKISTAN, MALAYSIA, SAUDI ARABIA.
79.TITLE: The role of personality traits, entrepreneurship education and self-efficacy as mediating effect on the entrepreneurial intention. AUTHORS: Nosheena Yasir, An Liren, Nasir Mahmood, Hafiz Shakir Mehmood. ABSTRACT: The objective of the study is to evaluate the role of personality traits, business education and self-efficacy as a mediating effect on business intention. 43.7% believed that the idea of entrepreneurship is fascinating to start their own business one day, 57.0% said they will develop their own business if they have an opportunity; 56.3% believe that they possess leadership skills that are required for an entrepreneur; 50.4% said they can find a solution most of the time, and 57.3% believe that the entrepreneurship program improves their understanding in the creation of modern ideas. KEY WORDS: personality traits, entrepreneurship education, self-efficacy, entrepreneurial intention, need for achievement. CHINA.
80.TITLE: Assessment of competitiveness of subjects of the market of Telecommunication Services. AUTHORS: Natalia A. Zaitseva, Lyudmila M. Makarova, Anna A. Larionova, Vladimir V. Filatov, Denis V. Okunev, Irina V. Polozhentseva, Natalia O. Vikhrova. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to identify the most important factors that affect the competitiveness of the telecommunications services market and the development of methods to assess competitiveness. As a result, three groups of factors were confirmed (Infrastructure and production, service and commercialization) that have the greatest impact on the level of competitiveness of this market. Five parameters related to the quality of the voice connection, the transmission of SMS messages and access to the Internet were selected as evaluation criteria in the methodology proposed to evaluate said competitiveness of the aforementioned market subjects. This material can be used by specialists who are concerned with the competitiveness of the telecommunications services market. KEY WORDS: competitive telecommunications services, the sales performance of telecommunications services. RUSSIA.
81.TITLE: Job crafting role, staff involvement and work stress. AUTHORS: Natalia A. Tsareva, Zoya V. Yakimova, Albina A. Vlasenko. ABSTRACT: At present, most companies are faced with the problem of business process provision with highly qualified human resources, the retaining of professionals and the involvement of employees. If an employee shares company values, a high motivational potential of the work promotes the development of involvement. The satisfaction of an employee's needs - autonomy, involvement, competence - takes place through the work resources according to E. Desey and R. Rain. The conducted research is focused to reveal the level of involvement, the overall level of satisfaction with the work among different categories of employees (front office, back-office, law enforcement). KEY WORDS: involvement, job requirements, personal work resources, stress, job crafting. RUSSIA.
82.TITLE: Break-even line model – addition to direct costing system. AUTHOR: Vadim N. Kabanov. ABSTRACT: The relevance of the problem under study is conditioned by the need to eliminate the defects in the economic and mathematical models based on direct costs. The purpose of the article is to test the hypothesis, according to which the grouping of different corporate costs will help eliminate the drawbacks of the current system of direct costs. The study has resulted in an analytical (algebraic) expression of the equilibrium line model that confirms the effectiveness of the modification of the cost grouping system and proves the existence of the hypothesis. The inclusion of the conditions of the national tax system in the equilibrium line model offers new opportunities in assessing the solvency of business activity in several tax systems. KEY WORDS: fixed and variable costs, national taxation system, expenses on third-party services, payroll expenses, economic evaluation of managerial decisions. RUSSIA.
83.TITLE: Classification of the economic resource reproduction in the Agro-Industrial Complex organizations by modified cluster analysis. AUTHORS: Artem D. Cheremuhin, Andrey N. Igoshin, N. Abramova, Georgy V. Gruzdev, Anastasia A. Kurilova. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to approve the author's methods to classify processes according to the data of the financial statements of the agricultural producers, which allows to evaluate the process of reproduction of economic resources in particular organizations. The conglomerate analysis method was used to classify agricultural organizations by types and types of short-term reproduction, and the structure dynamics of the entire population according to their membership of the selected types. The results of the study of the data of reports provided by more than 400 agricultural organizations of the Nizhny Novgorod region for 2007-2016 allowed to identify 16 types of reproduction of economic resources, combined in 3 types. KEY WORDS: reproduction, economic resources, production factors, reproduction analysis, evaluation of reproduction. RUSSIA.
84.TITLE: Specifics of modern management of sustainable development in rural areas. AUTHORS: Yuliya A. Bolshakova, Aleksey N. Gusev, Viktoriya V. Gruzdeva, Anastasia A. Kurilova, Tatiana V. Ponedilchuk. ABSTRACT: The development of rural areas is one of the strategic directions of Russian policy, but it has not produced any particular improvement. The AUTHORS of the article identify problems and characteristics of modern management of sustainable development in rural areas of Russia. The article presents key elements of the management system for the sustainable development of rural areas and identifies the main problems in its operation. The results made it possible to formulate a series of measures to improve the current situation, as well as the fact that the problems raised can be solved by applying an integrated approach. This article identifies the challenges and directions to improve the management of sustainable development of rural areas in the Nizhny Novgorod region. KEY WORDS: management, sustainable development, rural areas, agricultural production, food security. RUSSIA, UKRAINE.
85.TITLE: Comparative analysis of raw and roasted buckwheat flour used in bakery production. AUTHORS: Svetlana N. Butova, Georgiy G. Dubtsov, Margarita E. Saitova, Julia V. Nikolaeva. ABSTRACT. The problem of rapidly increasing number of patients with diabetes mellitus of both types has been covered and the leading role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of this disease has been established. The objectives of the study have been formulated based on the thorough analysis of the information. It has been shown that buckwheat flour makes it possible to reduce the glycemic index of finished products, regardless of their composition. The ability of buckwheat flour to reduce the glycemic index is dependent on the size of its particles (granulation). It has been scientifically proven that the antioxidant properties of buckwheat flour are due to the presence of a wide range of flavonoid compounds. KEY WORDS: buckwheat flour, buckwheat groats, wheat flour, rye flour, diabetes mellitus. RUSSIA.
86.TITLE: Limitations and development factors of the sphere of realization in the megalopolis. AUTHORS: Abdolreza Mahmoudi, Fatemeh Mahmoudi, Maryam Shamsaei, Hadi Raeisi Shahraki, Hashem Kakaei. ABSTRACT: The document makes a correlation analysis to explore the activity of the Prefecture of Administrative Okrug of Northern Moscow with respect to the improvement of the area. An analysis has revealed a high dependence on improvement activities in the area of economic situation and income in the capital's budget. To help overcome this dependence, the AUTHORS propose to promote direct self-government, with part of the redistributed duties in the sphere of improving the area in favor of the latter. The findings of the correlation analysis of the AUTHORS and the study of the dynamics of certain indicators indicate an insufficient effectiveness in the expenditure of public funds in the improvement of the area in the Okrug. KEY WORDS: area improvement, management, administration, public control, megalopolis. RUSSIA.
87.TITLE: Administrative innovations as necessary condition of competitiveness of the modern companies. AUTHORS: Khanif Sh. Mullakhmetov, Rosalia M. Aminova, Ilnara I. Filimonchuk. ABSTRACT: Business innovation is today the "bottleneck" of management theory and practice. There are no theoretical models that are directly related to business innovation; in the practice of management, product and technological innovations take precedence. Incorrect interpretation of innovations reduces the effectiveness of their implementation. The competitive advantage of a company today is not determined primarily by the accumulation of capital, but by the ability of management to initiate, perceive and use changes, to learn faster than others about the experience of change. New theories of economic growth emphasize that the development of innovations is the driving force of sustainable economic growth. KEY WORDS: changes, balance of flexibility and stability, managerial innovations, adaptation, business environment.
88.TITLE: Marginal analysis and cost management in veterinary services for livestock. AUTHORS: Asiyа K. Subaeva, Vladimir T. Vodyannikov, Elena V. Кhudyakova, Denis I. Dorodnykh. ABSTRACT: According to mass data of the model agricultural enterprise conducting intensive dairy cattle breeding, it is established that between costs of carrying out veterinary actions and a livestock yield there is a close connection determined by high (significant) value of correlation coefficient. This value can be considered as a pre-product of veterinary measures. Comparison of it with the maximum income from the sale of milk allowed to establish the optimal value for the enterprise costs of veterinary measures, which is 40% higher than the actual implementation. KEY WORDS: Margin analysis, sustainable development of dairy cattle breeding, cost optimization, veterinary care costs. RUSSIA.
89.TITLE: Automation of Enterprise's activity processes using as an example Llc “Parallax”. AUTHORS: Artur L. Dautov, Aidar S. Puryaev, Aliya R. Kharisova. ABSTRACT: There was conducted a study of well-known CRM-systems for the possibility of integration with the AMC-system for implementation of the project of activity automation (for example, LLC "Parallax"). The advantages, disadvantages and peculiarities of these systems are revealed. In this study we have described the possibilities of the analytical CRM-system “Bitrix24” and its analogs, allowing to reveal the improvement trend. The project of implementation of CRM-system “Bitrix24” into LLC “Parallax” has been developed, taking into consideration integration with the existing corporate integrated security system (video observation system and AMC-system). KEY WORDS: activity automation, access monitoring and control system, CRM-solution, Bitrix 24, Megaplan. RUSSIA.
90.TITLE: Analysis of Enterprise Environment Factors at the Regional Market of Petroleum Products. AUTHORS: Nail N. Badrtdinov, Diliara R. Abdrakhmanova, Gulnara N. Khadiullina. ABSTRACT: Forming of the system of strategic management, that includes management instruments strategy of his development and takes into account the features of branch markets, comes forward a necessary effective operating of enterprise of the real sector of economy condition. The results of research with the use of data of state statistics of factors of environment of enterprise of ОАО ХК "Татнефтепродукт" (TATOIL PRODUCT) are presented in the article. In a number last the factors of indirect and direct influence are distinguished. In composition the factors of indirect influence factors are analysed macromedias - political, economic, sociocultural and technological. KEY WORDS. Strategy of development of enterprise, market of petroleum products, strategic analysis, strategic management, factors of environment. RUSSIA.
91. TITLE: Objectives and challenges of ensuring economic and information security in the digital economy. AUTHORS: Evgeniy A. Voronin, Igor V. Yushin, ABSTRACT: Restricting access to information through ill-conceived measures to increase its security, we slow down economic growth while relaxing them we increase the likelihood of economic risks and losses. Consequently, only a balanced combination of economic security with cybersecurity can ensure the sustainable economic development of society in the digital environment. Any solution of the problem would use new technologies of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Ensuing R&D should render mathematical methods and algorithms for assessing and predicting information and economic security, taking into account their inherent interplay and conflicting agendas. KEY WORDS: digital economy, security, information security, economic security, blockchain. RUSSIA.
92. TITLE: The sensate-consumerist culture of the capitalist society. AUTHORS: M.G. Akhmedova, M.V. Kibakin, P.V. Razov, P.A. Peremibed, S.A. Yushkova. ABSTRACT: The main idea of the article is a socio-philosophical analysis of the sensate-consumerist culture as a kind of cross-section reflecting how each social system contributes (or prevents) personal development and attainment of actual freedom by human. Results showed that only a society based on the humanistic values can eliminate negative phenomena in the culture development. The most important objective of culture is formation of a personal demand for constant, multi-purpose communication in the field of religion, philosophy, cultural studies, science, morality and art, etc. KEY WORDS: culture, sensual-consumerist culture, human activity, mass culture. RUSSIA.
93. TITLE: Internal socio-psychological determinants of health of the modern man. AUTHORS: Marzhan A. Mokaeva, Maryam T. Nogerova, Rimma K. Bagova, Rakhima K. Malkarova, Susanna M. Hachetlova, Mariana S. Kheimasheva. ABSTRACT: The aim of the article is to reveal previously unexplored internal socio-psychological factors that determine human health as one of the most important values that define human well-being and satisfaction with life in general. A survey was applied to 1092 people, and with the help of the comparison and grouping method, it was possible to establish the dependence of human health on internal social and psychological factors, including the understanding of the meaning of life and the feeling of envy. Respondents with a positive understanding of the meaning of life are satisfied with their health in all age groups. It shows that the feeling of envy and human health are connected, and a persistent feeling of envy causes several diseases. KEY WORDS: human health, health determinants, internal socio-psychological factors, understanding the meaning of life, the feeling of envy. RUSSIA.
94. TITLE: Comparing DRM and misinformation effect on creating false memory. AUTHORS: Amiri Samane, Leila Heydarinasab, ABSTRACT: The present study aimed to determine the relationship between the two effective factors on false memory, which are DRM and misinformation. This study aimed to investigate the production of false memory using the factors in an experimental study, and also, to determine the relationship between two paradigms in a Correlation research. The study showed that false memory was created by both methods, but no significant relationship was found between the methods. The roll and effects of both, DRM and misinformation on creating false memory are different. KEY WORDS: false memory, misinformation effect, DRM. IRAN.
95.TITLE: Empirical research strategies for social cohesion. AUTHOR: Galina D. Kovrigina. ABSTRACT: The document analyzes basic ideas and principles of research applied to problems of identity and social integration of different communities and interest groups. The author reviews national and international empirical research for the study of social cohesion. The applied method is the comparative analysis, which considers the conditions for the appearance and the mechanisms for the study of social integration in different social groups used by scientists from around the world. The conclusion is the summary of the main empirical results and the promising guidelines for the development of the study of social solidarity in world science. The research topic of this document shows a set of data for the precursors that define the conditions of the social environment. KEY WORDS: integration, social reproduction, social solidarity, areas of study, reciprocity. RUSSIA.
96.TITLE: Feminist Stylistics: Female representations in contemporary stories by Pakistani writers. AUTHORS: Asmat A. Sheikh, Fatima Ali, Nazia Suleman, Hira Ali, Haniya Munir. ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present study is to investigate how women are represented in the stories of Pakistani writers. Current research also explores whether the author's genre has any influence on the vocabulary he uses. The proposed study is qualitative in nature. The results also revealed that male Pakistani writers are more sexist in their vocabulary to portray female characters compared to female writers. Future researchers can explore the same data by following the remaining two: sentence and discursive levels of the Mills model (1995). The present study can also be extended to compare two types of genre as writers by future researchers. KEY WORDS: Gender portrayal, gender roles, identities, sexism, sexist vocabulary. PAKISTAN.
97. TITLE: Comparison of Iterative Methods with order of Convergence Three and Four. AUTHOR: T. P. Mateva. ABSTRACT: In the article, we conduct experiments with four iterative methods to find the real root of a non-linear equation. Three of the methods are in order of convergence 3 and one of order of convergence 4. Two of the methods require calculation of a second derivative. So, all the methods being compared are a modification of the Newton’s method, we impose Newton’s type conditions for the initial approximation. KEY WORDS: nonlinear equation, iterative methods, initial approximation. BULGARIA.
98.TITLE: Comparing the dialect of Abadeh Tashk and Persian language. AUTHOR: Faranak Ramezani. ABSTRACT: This paper is a comparative study in terms of grammar, adjective, genitive case, numbers, pronoun, infinitive, suffixes and prefixes, application of verbs, sentence, stress, and lexical comparison; in fact, this paper has compared Luri and persian. Luri dialect, which is the ground for Abadeh Tashk dialect, has a close grammatical and lexical bond with modern persian. This paper has also examined phonological processes (changes), such as substitution, elision, metathesis, and contraction which are discussed in detail in the text. As far as the author has searched, no full research has been conducted so far on the mentioned subject, and this is while changes can be seen in all its aspects. KEY WORDS: Dialect of Abadeh Tashk, persian language, grammatical differences, lexical comparison, vowels, consonants. IRAN.
99.TITLE: Andalusian influence on formation of phonetic features of Latin America Spanish. AUTHORS: Alena D. Mamaeva, Anna I. Noskova, Liliya A. Nefedova. ABSTRACT: On the Second Congress of Royal Academy in Madrid in 1956, the certain tendency to fragmentariness of Spanish which is shown at all levels of language up to phonetic was stated. In this article, the so-called "Andalusian theory" is considered in its diachronic aspect. In particular, the authors refer to the works of well-known foreign linguists, such as Wagner, Ureña, Pidal, Boyd-Bowman, Catalan, with the aim to trace the development of the scientific community attitude to the degree of the Andalusian dialect influence on the formation of phonetic peculiarities of the Spanish language in Latin America. At the end of the article, the concepts of "Castilian Spanish" and "Atlantic Spanish" are differentiated. KEY WORDS: Spanish language, phonetics, "Andalusian theory", Latin America, New World. RUSSIA.
100.TITLE: The dedication as a structural component of an artistic text. AUTHORS: Gabriel St. Nussbaum, Tatiana G. Prokhorova, Olga V. Bogdanova. ABSTRACT: This article is theoretical in nature. This article reveals the specificities of a fully realized dedicative discourse, and distinguishes between various kinds of titular and extra-titular dedications. The authors show that the dedication is not always part of the heading system; they consider other kinds of dedications (the acrostic, the date of composition as a display of dedicative intent, and other un-explicated forms of the dedication); they offer new criteria to classify dedications, and new terminological designations that can be studied and used to further clarify problems tied to the academic concept of dedicative strategies. KEY WORDS: theory of literature, dedication, dedicative strategies, dedicative criteria, artistic structure. RUSSIA.
101.TITLE: Intellectual theatre in harold pinter’s novel ‘The Dwarfs’. AUTHORS: Kseniya V. Arjantzeva, Vera B. Shamina, Elena M. Apenko. ABSTRACT: This article studies the phenomenon of ‘intellectual drama’ as a complex of ideas that the authors attribute to Harold Pinter’s writings, namely his novel ‘The dwarfs’ (1952-1956, 1990). The novel, written in the 50s and revised in 1989, presents a witty, masterfully done picture of relations between people with poisonous and touching scenes, which are overlooked by some mysterious dwarfs. The main objective of this article is to give a complex analysis of the recurrent motifs, themes, symbols and theatrical devices used by Harold Pinter, which would allow us to state that intellectual drama imprint might be traced in his novel ‘The Dwarfs’. KEY WORDS: Harold Pinter, the Dwarfs, theatricality, intellectual drama, masquerade, Pinteresque. RUSSIA.
102.TITLE: A comparative study of the quality of Parricide, Filicide and Fratricide myths in “The Symphony of the Dead" and "The Red Hair Woman". AUTHORS: Ghadir Golkarian, Javad Majdi, ABSTRACT: This is the comparative study of two contemporary and famous novels "The Symphony of the Dead" and "The Red Hair Woman". The reviews are based on the opinions of Freud, Jung, and their followers. First, a summary of the two novels is presented, and then the thoughts and similar behaviors of the characters leading to parricide, filicide and fratricide in the two novels are reported. According to psychoanalysts and anthropologists, the quality of these behaviors, which lead to abnormal ruins and deaths, is examined, and in the end, the questions of the article are answered in the conclusion. KEY WORDS: Parricide, Filicide, Fratricide, Myth, Orhan Pamuk. TURKEY
103. TITLE: Linguistic and Cultural features of Anglophonia. AUTHORS: Jerome Baghana, Tatiana G. Voloshina, Julia S. Blaschevich, Elena L. Kuksova, Maksim A. Maidansky. ABSTRACT: The article is devoted to the theoretical problem of language contacts in modern linguistics in the era of globalization. The given work stresses the idea of the relationship between politics, economics, culture of many countries, connected with the ideas of multilingualism. The object of the research work is the role and place of the movement of Anglophonia on the world stage. The authors analyze the formation process of Anglophonia, the degree of its influence on international processes, as well as the way of becoming a global English language. KEY WORDS: Anglophonia, language contact, interference, bilinguals, language interaction. RUSSIA.
104. TITLE: Phonetic, Syntectical, Semantic and Etymological features of the territorial version of the English Language of Nigeria. AUTHORS: Jerome Baghana, Tatiana G. Voloshina, Anna N. Lukhanina, Olga V. Dekhnich., Yana A. Glebova. ABSTRACT: The article deals with the key phonetic, syntactic, semantic and etymological features functioning in the territorial version of the English language of Nigeria. The group of authors analyzes the most important historical factors that made huge influence on the process of Nigeria English formation. Taking into consideration the linguistic and cultural features of the territorial version of the English language of Nigeria the specific features of the choice of certain lexemes of different thematic groups are identified in the given work. KEY WORDS: Globalization, Anglophonia, Nigeria English, phonetic, syntactic. RUSSIA.
105. TITLE: Analyzing the Functions of Various Kinds of “Pun” in Speech with an Emphasis on Poems by Salman Savoji. AUTHORS: Davood Sparham. Mas’oud Rastegari. ABSTRACT: In this study, we intend to prove that the success of a literary work depends in the artistic use of pun to a large extent, and that the presence of pun can help a literary text overcome its rigidity and staticity, and be transformed into a first-grade speech. Moreover, in this study, pun application method has been specifically analyzed in the speeches and sonnets by Salman Sovoji and this would assist us in reaching a better perception of this poet. KEY WORDS: pun, Salman Savoji, sonnet, meaning and expression. IRAN.
106. TITLE: Examination of the Greimas Theory in some of the short stories of Classical Literature. AUTHORS: Shirzad Tayefi, Elham Rezaiian Varmzyar, Davood Sparham. ABSTRACT: Main point in our study is to structurally analyze any cultural subjects including folkloric, linguistic, and literary. Therefore, for achieving this goal, from each of the books evaluated, narratives have been selected for analysis and adaptation with the pattern dominating the views of the main structuralism figures; so that, besides expression of the hypotheses and views proposed on the field of a branch of morphology related to the stories and narratives, adapt these theories with the Iranian literary texts with the culture dominating them, in order to reveal the manifesticism and iteration which lies all over these works. KEY WORDS: formalist, narrative, structuralism, function. IRAN.
107. TITLE: A Comparative Study of the Concept of Childhood on British Romanticism and American Transcendentalism in Comparison with Mystical poetry of Mevlana. AUTHORS: Jaleh Erfani Nemin, Dr. Hossein Novin, Dr. Ali Arian, Dr. Asgar Salahi. ABSTRACT: This paper studies the concept of childhood and its various uses in some Romantic and Transcendentalist poets including Mevlana whom Emerson was quite familiar with. Childhood, the dominant theme in both Romanticism and Transcendentalism covers the main theme in the poetry of Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge in Europe and Emerson and Whitman in America. This concept has also been used ambiguously and symbolically in Mevlana's Mystical Poetry, and so is worth comparing with the works of English Romanticism And American Transcendentalism. KEY WORDS: Emerson, Transcendentalism, Romanticism, Childhood, Mevlana. IRAN.
108.TITLE: Analysis of the landscape of the territory when assessing the natural hazards of the Republic of Kabardin-Balkar (Central Caucasus). AUTHORS: E. V. Kyul, А. К. Ezaov, R.О. Kalov, Kh. M. Nazranov, T.N. Ashurbekova. ABSTRACT: The article addresses natural hazards based on the analysis of the landscape of the territory. Methods such as mapping and zoning, the analysis of scientific literature, the study of maps of various scales, satellite photos and images, GPS data and landscape studies of mountainous areas of the southern Elbrus region have been used. As a result, landscapes have been identified with certain types of land use and natural hazard processes in the Baksan river basin, which will allow adjusting the degree of natural hazard according to the type of land use, and determining recommendations for potential development. safe and sustainable of the territory investigated for each type of landscape. KEY WORDS: natural risks, types of land use, landscape, natural and anthropogenic geosystem, avalanche tracks. RUSSIA.